America: The Obliged Prologue
American Atrophy Prologue Drab overcast wrapped the sky in a gluttonous daub of clouds. Pellets of sleet mixed into rain, gathering in near-freezing puddles on the rotten and uneven pavement of the sidewalk outside the old Statesboro Hospital. A lazy crowd had grown curious by the unusual presence of militiamen standing arm in arm outside the old facility. The crowd gaveled at the fierceness of the men, their faces shrouded to their eyes by white neck gaiters, their tired and warworn eyes peered out, unbothered by the crowd’s curiosity. The men were each marred by years of combat and sacrifice, all in the name of United States President Aiden Connor; offering an obvious clue to who may be inside the dilapidated hospital facility. Under the decaying plinth of the old sanitarium, President Connor and a cluster of oligarchs glamoured over their new state-of-the-art laboratory, their money well spent. The sheen of the stainless-steel floor of the facility reflec...