The Age of Trump is now an Era. What to do next? Well, for starters, if you are a voter of Trump, or a contrarian that didn't vote, you should probably reach out to your liberal and minority friends who are scared, and assure them that they will be okay, that you will stand behind your decision steadfast and hold the man you have elected accountable, that in the face of tyranny you will fight for their unalienable rights. Don't belittle them. Don't make fun of them. Don't chastise. Be a decent human being, elections aren't football games; these events have real-world implications for people's lives, hopes, and dreams. Be kind. Be humble. Of course, I have written 317,000 words (and counting) about this exact event taking place. I loathe when I am right, more so because I was a pessimist and wanted to be wrong when making the ATO series. Oh well. So, now what? Well, we wait and see. But my gut tells me that "unprecedented mandate" means President Tru...