
America: The Obliged Prologue

  American Atrophy   Prologue Drab overcast wrapped the sky in a gluttonous daub of clouds.   Pellets of sleet mixed into rain, gathering in near-freezing puddles on the rotten and uneven pavement of the sidewalk outside the old Statesboro Hospital. A lazy crowd had grown curious by the unusual presence of militiamen standing arm in arm outside the old facility. The crowd gaveled at the fierceness of the men, their faces shrouded to their eyes by white neck gaiters, their tired and warworn eyes peered out, unbothered by the crowd’s curiosity. The men were each marred by years of combat and sacrifice, all in the name of United States President Aiden Connor; offering an obvious clue to who may be inside the dilapidated hospital facility. Under the decaying plinth of the old sanitarium, President Connor and a cluster of oligarchs glamoured over their new state-of-the-art laboratory, their money well spent. The sheen of the stainless-steel floor of the facility reflec...

America the Obliged: Civil War Announced.

Civil War follows up where America: The Obliged left off, sans a year in time and space where the situation within the besieged United States has gone from ill to deathly as states opt for a future within the Federated States of America, New Confederacy, Christian Caliphate of Exodus, or the Republic of California and its exclaves.  Derrick Reddon is tasked with reigning in his brother Adam Reddon in his wildly successful rise of the deep south into a second confederacy that outpaces the Federation's ability to manufacture armaments. A desperate affront drives into Arkansas to distract Adam's forces from further invasion of the borderlands of the Federation but at significant financial and psychological costs to the fledgling nation, as Alyssa, Chase, and the entirety of the nation depend on the militant-turned-American hero to save them, and just maybe, the nation too. Follow the latest news and developments in the America: The Obliged series at O'Discin Books or the Am...

Preorder: America The Obliged

 Preorders for America the Obliged are now available over at the O'Discin Book Store.  This is a heavily discounted price, so snatch them while I have stock.  Pre-Order America: The Obliged

America: The Obliged Preview

 A special preview is coming for those who want a slice of the ATO action:  America: The Obliged at O'Discin Books Hop over to the O'Discin Books page and take a gander. I try not to give away much of the book in the spiel. But ya know, some things have to be laid out from Chapter 1.  Official Cover of America: The Obliged

The Morning After: Predictions of 2025 and Beyond

The Age of Trump is now an Era.  What to do next? Well, for starters, if you are a voter of Trump, or a contrarian that didn't vote, you should probably reach out to your liberal and minority friends who are scared, and assure them that they will be okay, that you will stand behind your decision steadfast and hold the man you have elected accountable, that in the face of tyranny you will fight for their unalienable rights. Don't belittle them. Don't make fun of them. Don't chastise. Be a decent human being, elections aren't football games; these events have real-world implications for people's lives, hopes, and dreams. Be kind. Be humble.  Of course, I have written 317,000 words (and counting) about this exact event taking place. I loathe when I am right, more so because I was a pessimist and wanted to be wrong when making the ATO series.  Oh well. So, now what? Well, we wait and see. But my gut tells me that "unprecedented mandate" means President Tru...

America: The Obliged and Election 2024

  The Latest Interview.  Ruqi : Hello, Nathan! Welcome to the ATO Forums webcast.  Nathan: Hello, Rookie. Nice to chat with you.  Ruqi: Yes. So, it is Election Eve in the US... Nathan: [laughs] It is, it is. Crazy election year, may I add.  Ruqi: How are you feeling, overall?  Nathan: Nauseated. Nervous. Anxious. You know, universally Americans are all feeling this negative energy; it's how you process the negative energy as it manifests itself. I think a lot of liberals and moderates are nervous, a lot of far-right folks are feeling a little aggressive.  Ruqi : Aggressive?  Nathan: Absolutely. I put up a TikTok, a very mild and respective one, may I add, and the responses were very vitriolic from Trump voters.  It doesn't bode well if things turn out not in their favor.  Ruqi: I guess that brings us to our first question... America: The Obliged. It's due out at the end of this month, and obviously being a near-future dystopic, how...

YouGov's Comprehensive Poll is...

 YouGov has released its month-long poll, that ran from October 1 to October 25.  The methodology is straight forward (you can read it all here ) but this is supposed to be the final of the final polls:  For the math wizzes at home, this puts Kamala Harris at 276 electors (assuming she loses ME-02 which has had zero polling for whatever reason), assuming, of course, YouGov has their hands on the pulse of the electorate and not a twitch of the wrist....